As you leave the rolling hills and dairy farms of Central Gippsland, an ancient river meanders through Gondwanan rainforest. This Brataualung Country of the Gunaikurnai people and is where you will find me most days.

In my garden, my cooking school or my farmgate.

Wild Earth Mother.
Anyone who knows me will tell you this name sums me up perfectly.
A bit wild…
A complete hippy…
And a mother…

Everything I love pretty much revolves around nature. Being outdoors, gardening, cooking, walking in the bush or in the ocean, eating fresh food, traveling, loving my family and friends and meeting new people.
These things are essential to me. These are the things that give me life.
Love the land. Cook with the seasons. Source organic, foraged and local produce. Give back to our Mother Earth as she gives to us…


We are by nature, hunter-gathers… Get back in tune with the rhythm of the earth and forage the wild foods of your local area.


Keep your gut flora happy by making your own fermented food and drinks. Your body and mind will love you for it.

And make cheese…

Learn the age old craft of cheesemaking. You can make many simple cheeses at home, you just need to know how!

“My kids say I’m like a mad scientist… with brews bubbling away in every part of my kitchen”
“Hanging out in my garden and cooking what I’ve foraged with a wine in my hand… that’s my happy place”

Watch me foraging and cooking with Khanh Ong on Wild Foods on SBS Food